General Paper Tutor
+65 96684298
Excel in General Paper
General Paper (GP) takes students on a journey that goes beyond the accumulation of current affairs knowledge. It is essentially a study of the complex world that we inhabit and through it, aims to develop in students a keen, critical eye with which to view the world. General Paper encourages students to explore a range of key issues of global and local significance and provides students with a good foundation to thrive in a fast-changing world. The syllabus and examination are intended to underscore maturity of thought, independent thinking and the proficient use of language.
General Paper is a challenge to for some students because they are uncertain how to write & express ideas effectively. Although GP is a H1 subject, it is often used by university admissions officers as an indicator of a student’s ability to cope with academic rigour and engage in interdisciplinary thinking.

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This syllabus builds learners’ ability to understand and write in English through the study of a broad range of contemporary topics. They will analyse opinions and ideas and learn how to construct an argument. This syllabus develops highly transferrable skills for example,how to develop arguments and present reasoned explanations.
Mastering General Paper does not come easy. It takes persistence, time & effort to be dedicated towards learning. To assist in developing a deep understanding of GP, you should consider enrolling in a quality 1 to 1 General Paper Tuition. The Best GP Tutor is available at Affordable Fees. The #1 Tuition Agency Singapore can assist you in this.
Achieving good grades in General Paper requires more than just memorizing topics and trying to use them effectively. It also requires understanding of basic principles, critical thinking, and writing skills. A good foundation in English is the key to building General Paper Success. With hard work, it can be achieved.
In Singapore, there are many reputable General Paper Tutors that offer A Level General Paper. These Specialist Tutors have the pre-requisite knowledge and skills to impart the right techniques to learn & succeed. We have the right GP Tutor for you. Let us know & we can work together to help you to excel in GP.
Plan to Succeed
To assist a student who is struggling to cope with General Paper, it is best to engage a capable Home Tutor. The face to face personal interaction cannot be replicated even in our excellent schools administered by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. The individual nature of Home Tuition promotes the best possible learning outcomes
Large classes leave many students unable to cope or even follow challenging subject content. The sole classroom teacher cannot always direct the required attention to about 20 students. The Best Tuition Agency Singapore will be able to find you an effective General Paper Tutor to fill in all the learning gaps in General Paper.