About Us​


+65 96684298

Who We Are​

Edupoint is a Premier Tuition Agency in Singapore. We have been serving students & their parents since 1995.

Established by a group of Fulltime Tutors and former School Teachers, Edupoint understands the needs of students in the ever-changing education landscape. We have seen students flourish with learning support structures afforded by capable Home Tutors. These students normally join us in a “state of struggle” brought about mainly by not being effectively engaged in the classroom. Our school system is one of the best in the world but in a large classroom of between 25 to 35 students, it would be impossible for the most experienced teacher to cater to each & every student.

Private Tuition can be seen as a mini learning environment outside of school where the student is at ease to raise concerns, clear doubts & even make mistakes without the judgemental glances of other classmates or maybe even a demanding teacher!

Edupoint Tutor near me

Have a Struggling Student? Talk to us.​

Let us know a little about your child’s learning needs and/or difficulties. We will provide you with a non-obligatory quote within 24 hours

Numbers Speak for Themselves​

Satisfied Clients
Years of Experience

Our satisfied Clients & Students are resounding testaments of our commitment to helping students attain Academic Proficiency since 1995.

We have been a leader in the tuition industry since before proliferation of mobile phones! Yes, we have been doing this for a very long time. We understand the stresses that students’ & their parents go through where school is concerned. These stresses are magnified in the graduating years capped of by major exams. The PSLE, O Level & A Level years introduces a rush to get a tutor in the preceding 3 months prior to exams. We always encourage timely intervention so that the student has time to digest the learning material & apply them accordingly.

We do not consider tuition to be just a means to an end. It is rather a critical learning pillar that many students have relied on in their time of learning need. A good approach is to provide the student with tuition early in school year so that tutor-student chemistry has time to develop & flourish.

We have often had long discussions with our clients on the best possible way to help a student. These discussions rarely involve a “price-point” as you can never place a dollar value on academic well-being.

You may think you have many choices but there is only one Edupoint.​
