A Level Tuition​


+65 96684298

What is A Level?

The A Level is the culmination of a 12 years of formal study in the Singapore education system. Students sit for the A Levels after a 2-year Junior College Programme or a 3-year Pre-University Programme. Students in the Integrated Programme sit for the A Levels at the end of Year 6. Currently the 3-year Pre-University programme is only available at Millennia Institute. All students sit for the same exam & the preparation for the A Level is just as intense in all schools.

It is common for A Level students to engage Singapore Tuition Teachers through a Home Tuition Agency Singapore. A Home Tutor will provide the support structure needed for students to stay current with the subject material. Do not allow any queries & misconceptions to fester, it will only be harder to correct these over time. Home Tuition will address learning gaps immediately when they occur and offer insights on how to approach any topic of concern. A Private Tutor for A Level Tuition from the Best Tuition Agency is essential for success

A Level Tuition

A Level Preparation? Talk to us.​

Let us know a little about your child’s learning needs and/or difficulties. We will provide you with a non-obligatory quote within 24 hours

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Build on Principles

Learning is often based on a certain structure built from first principles. It is critical to recognise this right from the outset.

Learn at the Correct Pace

We all learn differently. There is no one-size-fits-all. Our tutors carefully adopt a pace that helps the student to grow best.

Retention of Knowledge

Effective Learning is often accompanied by establishing a knowledge bank. Let our tutors show you how.

Practice makes Perfect

Putting theory into practice is often the “dipstick” to gauge understanding. Homework is a simple way to do this.

Aim to Achieve

Setting a reasonable goal in both the short tem & medium term provides the required impetus for progress.

Effective Partnership

Strive to achieve a learning partnership with student & parents. This is essential for the academic well-being of the student.

Focus on A Level

The GCE A Level Examination is a highly anticipated and dreaded event. Every year, students spend months studying and preparing for this all-important exam, which will determine their future educational path. For many students, the A Level is a source of stress and anxiety. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Excelling in the A Level does not come easy. It takes persistence, time & effort to be directed towards learning. To assist your child develop a deep understanding of A Level subjects, you should consider enrolling them in a quality 1 to 1 A Level Tuition. The Best A Level Tuition is available at Affordable Fees. The #1 Tuition Agency Singapore can assist you in this.


Achieving good grades in the GCE A Level requires more than just the simple exam preparation conducted weeks before the papers begin. It requires concerted effort, a good revision plan & plenty of practice. Time is of the essence as it takes months of consistent work. Building a good foundation early is the key to A Level Success.

There are many reputable A Level Private Tutors that offer A Level Home Tuition. In every case, it is wise to engage an A Level Tutor early. This will provide enough time for the tutor to assess the student, deduce methods for improvement and build on existing strengths. Knowledge retention works best when the process is not hurried but allowed to mature naturally.

Plan for Success

To assist a student who is struggling to cope with A Level, it is best to engage a capable A Level Home Tutor. The face to face personal interaction allows for a tailored revision plan to be put in place for the individual student. It takes a Specialist A Level Tutor to design a feasible learning pathway that would ultimately lead to excellence .

In-school revision is helpful but students might not be able to clear their doubts. It is not easy for one classroom teacher to address all the concerns of 20 students or more. The Best Tuition Agency Singapore will be able to find you an effective Private Tutor to fill in all the learning gaps. Prompt action goes a long way towards proficiency in the A Level!
